INTernational Expertise
Marie Asano
Senior Investment Manager, High-Tech Gründerfonds Management GmbH
Board Member, Kumovis
Junior Consultant, Evonik
Michael Brandkamp
Managing Partner
Managing Director, High-Tech Gründerfonds Management GmbH
Director Tech Investments, KFW
Managing Director, tbg
Member of Advisory Boards
Francesco BONMARTini Fini
Junior Analyst
Investment Analyst, Praesidium’s Ag-FoodTech fund
Research Assistant, New Rhein Heathcare Investors
Intern, Rhyde
Nicole Bremm
Event - and Office Manager
Conference & Events Sales Executive, Hilton Bonn
B.A. Hospitality Management an der IU International University, Bad Honnef
Alyssa Bruijns
Office- and Eventmanager
Head Archivist & Collections Manager, Whistler Museum & Archives
Master degree, Library and Information Science (MLIS), McGill University Montreal Canada
Bachelor degree, History & Classical Studies, University of Ottawa, Canada
Jisk de Vries
Investment Associate
Intern science and innovation at ISC3, Bonn
Researcher at Ben Feringa Research Group
M.Sc. Chemistry – Science Business and Policy at University of Groningen
Cornelia Frentz
Director Governance and Sustainable Investing
Inhouse Consultant for restructurings of federal entities, German Ministry of Defence
Manager of Equity Investments, EAA AöR
Consultant, WestLB AG
Guillaume Gras
Investment Director
Cofounder InnovaFeed
Investment Director, INCO venture impact fund
Senior Manager, Pricing & Market access, SANOFI
Hakan Karan
Investment Associate
Ph.D., IMB Centre for Solar Biotechnology, The University of Queensland
Professional MBA, Sabanci University
Energy Engineer, Stantec
M.Sc. in Sustainable Energy Systems, The University of Edinburgh
Mathis Lamers
Working Student Finance
Student, BSc Economics
Intern Custumer Success, Buynomics
Intern Financial Accounting Advisory Service, EY
Isabelle Laurencin
Global lead Climate tech VC, International Finance Corporation (World bank group)
Fund Manager, Triodos Food Transition Europe Fund
Managing Director, Plug and Play Netherlands
Gian Leonardo
Junior Analyst
Junior Sales Operations, one.five
Visiting Research Analyst, 10xDNA
MSc Chemical Biotechnology, TUM University Munich
Mathias Brink Lorenz
Investment Director
Investment Manager, Rockstart AgriFood Fund
M&A Manager, Novozymes
Associate, SEB
Cornelia Mann
PR & Communications Manager / HR-Manager
Marketing & Communications, High-Tech Gründerfonds Management GmbH
Sales & Marketing, Hotel Collegium Leoninum
B.A. in Marketing & Digital Media
Clara Martinez Velandia
Relationship & Communications Manager
Entrepreneurship Promotion, GIZ
Economic Adviser National Federation of States (Colombia)
Public Policy Adviser Public Ministry (Colombia)
Mridul Pareek
Investment Associate
Co-founded ExaMine
Internship with Veolia, VITO, UN-FAO and cement research
M.Sc. Sustainable and Innovative Natural Resource Management (SINReM)
M.Sc. Enviromental Sciences and Policy
Ellen ROßner
Office Manager
Head of QM & SAP Helpdesk, Wein Service Bonn
Organic Safety Officer, Wein Wolf Import
Bachelor of Trade and Commerce (CCI)
Michael Nettersheim
Managing Partner
Investment Manager, BASF VC GmbH
Senior Investment Manager, High-Tech Gründerfonds Management GmbH
Head of Corporate Finance, M&A and Investor Relations MediGene AG
Stéphane Roussel
Managing Director, Solvay Ventures
Business Incubation & Venturing, Solvay
Director, Rhodia Ventures
Board Member, NOHMs Techn., MATHYM
Dirk Saßmannshausen
CFO / Managing Partner
CFO, La Famiglia GmbH
Senior Controller, High-Tech Gründerfonds Management GmbH
Specialist Structured Finance, Commerzbank AG
Tobias Schomerus
Analyst ESG
M.Sc. Sustainable Management & Technology, Technical University of Munich (TUM)
Circular Economy & Sustainability (Thesis), EY
Working Student, Deep Tech & Climate Fonds (DTCF)
Junior Analyst, High-Tech Gründerfonds (HTGF)
Julia Seeliger
Investment Associate
Junior Analyst at DeepTech and Climate Fund
Junior Analyst at High-Tech Gründerfonds
M.Sc. Business Administration / Finance at University of Cologne
Jowita Sewerska
Investment Director
Senior Investment Associate, Polish Development Fund
Supervisory Board Member, Polish Cableways
Structured and Mezzanine Finance, mBank (Commerzbank Group)
Giulia Tegas
Investment Analyst
Founder of ExpatWhere
MSc in Sustainable Development, Uppsala University & SLU
LAura Torres
Junior Analyst
Master in Biological & Chemical Engineering for Sustainable Bioeconomy,
Research Assistant, The Center of Biotechnology and Bioeconomy (CEBB) in Reims
Gisela van den Boom
Finance Director
Senior Financial Controller / Prokurist, High-Tech Gründerfonds
Controller, KFW
Dipl. Volkswirtin
Joachim Kindler
Working Student
BSc. Economics
Dr. Dahai Yu
Senior Advisor
Former member of the executive board, Evonik Industries
Independent member of the board of directors Sinochem International
Operating partner Advent International
Rob Kirschbaum
Investment Advisory Committee
Former VP Open Innovation, Royal DSM
Founder/CEO, SakuragiConsult
Member of the International Innovation Advisory Board, PTT-Global Chemicals Thailand
rob[at]sakuragiconsult.comhttps://www.linkedin.com/in/robkirschbaum/ +31 653727839